Mia Khalifa : Porn Star for US Ambassador

All about Mia Khalifa
In the United States, children are taught they can grow up and become president or become anything their heart desires. However, as Americans become adults, they realize just how far-fetched the idea is to get into politics or even live their dream. Just as when they were kids, you have to know someone that knows someone in order to be in the crowd. But maybe not so with Mia Khalifa.
Non-Politicians in the White House
However, in the 2016 presidential election, the tides seemed to turn drastically when a non-politician once again became the president-elect, Donald Trump. This took the world by storm as many stated, he did not know anything about politics. However, either did Ronald Reagan who was also a Hollywood movie star. Now, the whole world is watching and wondering what the new Trump cabinet will look like and who he will appoint to high power positions. So, now we come to the petition started by Dalcolm Rodriguez-Goldstein at Change.org (In order for the petition, to actually make it to the president-elect, there must be 5,000 signatures).
The Petition for the US Ambassador to the Saudi Arabia
The petition states, Mia Khalifa has a proven track record of bringing people together regardless of cultural background for the betterment of our country and international community. She will be a great leader representing us in the Middle East as well as a symbol of the melting pot that is America.Checking out the petition today, 4,701 people have signed. Dalcolm only needs 299 signatures to have this petition reach the hands of President Trump when he becomes President of the United States.
So, who is Mia Khalifa? Could there really be anything behind the petition?
Mia was born on February 10, 1993, and is known more for her short pornographic career that only lasted one year from 2014 to 2015.
She became an American resident in 2000 and started her porn career with Pornhub in October of 2014. By December of that same year, she was ranked as the number 1 porn star on the website. In the Middle East, where she was born (Beirut, Lebanon) and other areas believed she was a complete disgrace to her birth country. One of the major videos that caused all the controversy was Mia Khalifa is Cumming for Dinner which is a play on the movie Guess Who’s Coming for Dinner where Mia has sex wearing a hijab.
Today, she spends most of her time showing support for various professional sports teams which include the National Hockey League’s Washington Capitals and the Washington Redskins. Through her social media outlet, she asks her followers to support the teams. With her 300,000 Instagram and more than one million Twitter followers, she certainly gets the word out.
Would she be a good choice to become the US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia? She certainly showed she had balls and bravery by becoming a hot porn star and has followers that still love her. With her connections and the way, she does what she wants, she might just be the one to help with the issues in the Middle East, but of course, that will up to the petition and of course, the president-elect, Donald Trump. Who knows we may be reading a book soon entitled, From Porn Star to US Ambassador.