How to have sex in facebook

How to have sex in facebook
Nowadays, we are in the era of the technology and the era of cyber sex and sex in social media. It is easier and easier to get known with someone through the internet, oppose to meet him in person.
Because of the fact that it is so easy to have a blind date, the dangers of facebook are in the corner waiting for you. That’s why you have to be more careful at your personal options. In my opinion, you’d rather have sex with an escort, than having sex with an unknown person.
Due to have sex in facebook, i will give you some piece of advice, like the following.
1. Control your reactions in facebook
The good thing about facebook is that you have the opportunity to search about her via her half naked photos and not only them, about her personal preferences in music and other interests.
So, leave the likes and the other facebook reactions and learn more about her personality.
2. Have a relaxed chat on facebook
You know, through the chit chat on facebook, you can easily approach her with a simple hi and then the journey of your internet communication is going to start and make her to trust you.
Then she’d probably want to meet you in short time.
3. Don’t rush to date her through facebook
One thing is certain, if you want to meet your blonde or your brunette object of desire, you have to be patient. It is forbidden to rush and ask her for a date in facebook in a short time.
It is wiser to give her some time to get used to talk to you and be more of herself. Unless of course, if you want an one night stand.
And remember, have sex and have fun, always in safety!