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The age of Superbeauty is upon us
Keeping alive the burning passion, obsessing over and actively pursuing the true beauty that is found in the female nude body has been one of the key goals of Body in Mind since the day it was conceived back in the late 90?s. The ideals behind it date further back however, originating in the very early work of D. Bell, artist and writer, who first formed Body in Mind and took upon the responsibility of celebrating, researching and defending actively the importance of female beauty. Conducting thoughts through principles of morality and indicating the link between what we perceive as beautiful directly with our values as individuals, presented through intellectual essays and artwork is only a part of the movement that has ever since kept growing steadily.
Thus we are introduced to Superbeauty, which is a concoction of a profound form of physical beauty, combined with intellectuality as well as morality. This is the kind of beauty which bestows upon us an unprecedented motivational power and moral reward once we have witnessed it.
An art form that completely overpowers porn
Body in Mind delves deeply into its art form and strives to only portray the singlemost striking items which bring about our cognitive acknowledgement of beauty in what we see. There is no better way of finding out what we mean, than by judging the art for yourself.
It is an effort that goes beyond simply depicting the images of women posing naked, but rather painting an entire canvas, background to foreground, and making it visually stunning and engaging. Unlike anything else you may come across that involves imaging heavily influenced by any fashion or show business doctrine.
Join in the fight for beauty
Fighting for what we believe and for what we love the most comes natural to us as humans. Since beauty is something that brings meaning to our daily lives and helps us move forward providing a form of appreciation and expression, it is worth protecting and Body in Mind firmly takes the side of female beauty whenever and wherever it might be attacked. It is our duty to not give in and join the cause as any heroes would do.
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