Description: A beautiful spring day, clear blue skies but still a light chill in the air. A light chill that means as Madeline takes off your shirt you can see her nipples harden from the chill and the goose bumps appear on her beautiful pale skin. As your hand comes closer to warm her up the nipples and the goose bumps get harder from her excitement. You hold each firm, heavy breast in your hand and it's difficult to believe that something could be so soft and firm at the same time as the gentle upward curve of each breast settles into the cup of your hands. She smiles and looks down at her pussy - the lips are engorged with pleasure not because of the cold and she takes your hand and leads your fingers inside where it is warm and wet. Now it's her turn to warm you up and she drops down to her Knees and while looking up at you opens her mouth wide. Now you forget the chill, the blue sky and the scenery.
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