Description: As the title says it's Marla's first time and she was a little shy. Still we persuaded her bit by bit. First we told her that you all just wanted to see her lovely gray eyes and then we suggested she would look better without the shirt as it would be such a shame to hide those milk white tits with those rosebud nipples. Well she didn't want to upset you all so off came the shirt. Next we asked her to open her legs wide and no of course she could keep her panties on but, well now that she has opened those creamy thighs wouldn't it be nice to share her pussy with everyone? So she agreed as she remembered her parents told her sharing is caring. When we told her the photo shoot was going to be called Virgin girl she immediately opened up her pink pussy lips to show you all that the title wasn't a lie as she would hate for her parents to think she was a liar. We asked her to share her asshole too but she said she had to go home as it was way past her bedtime! But she promised to come back next time if you all liked today's pictures.
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