Description: We barely recognised Aislin with her heavy made up and beautifully made up feet and hands. "I am going to make you guys cum over me without touching your cocks" she said. Well just looking at that glamourous face tof the sort that you see hanging around expensive hotel bars at night we knew we were in for trouble. As she stripped to show us her wet, smoothly shaved pussy with pink, inner lips moist and already filling up she smiled and licked her glossy red lips. Then off came the bra to show us those lovely soft and tender breasts with those pale areola and tiny shy nipples that are made to be sucked. We heard her laugh as she popped a toy in her wet hole and looked straight at us with those piercing blue eyes accentuated by her heavy eye make-up and framed by her cascading blonde hair. Then as she started to play with her clit she gently moaned and tweaked her nipples as her back arched with pleasure. As she turned onto her front we could see her ass hole gape and looking at the crack in detail we guessed she wasn?t the truest of blondes but who cared as by that point we had, as she predicted, cum! She dressed in a hurry at the end and checked her make-up ? she noticed our disappointment and said "You didn't think this look was just for you guys? I have a client flying in tonight from the middle east who wants a proper Latvian tour and I am pretty sure he doesn't like sharing!"
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